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What is it like to have a "virtual relationship"? Can you be in love with someone you have never met? Is virtual love "real" love? In The Rose & Prose: A Virtual Love Story, the author shares poems of heartbreak and joy she encountered in her own unexpected, digital love journey. Can you fall in love online? Oh yes you can!

The Audible Poet
About the Author
“I knew, by deciding to write my first book, that it was going to change my life. I felt motivated, compelled and inspired by my own personal experience with virtual love. And, by this decision, I was willing to open myself up and express my feelings and emotions by writing in a poetic fashion. At this creative juncture in my life, I found excitement, and I am loving this new experience. I will never be that person who just lays around in retirement. Life’s too short, so I’m going for it!”
~Linda Joy Mattson, Author
As a writer and photographer, The Rose & Prose is the author's first published work. She currently resides in Southern Utah.
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“Perhaps In the spirit of the troubadours of the courtly love tradition of medieval times, the author has combined lovely images of roses and poetic or prose expressions of ideal love. She writes of a hidden love for a real person whom she has not met, but loves deeply. The current setting is the internet, rather than the nobility’s courts.”
“This small volume is a lovely collection of images of roses and heartfelt poetry/prose.” ~ JD. St George, UT
“This book should be a part of everyone's daily living. It's simplistic in nature yet it says so much. No matter where you think your life is headed, this book will speak to your heart, fill your spirit with hope and guide your journey the rest of the way. The photos are a perfect compliment to each and every message this talented author conveys. You'll want to be where she wants you to go. It's a real masterpiece, and her very best.”
~Eddie B., Utah

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"The author of Souls in Prose offers the reader a glimpse into the sensitive, insightful heart-ponderings of a life lived with arms wide open to any and every nuance. Pain, joy, wonder, loss, longing, and the deep questions that unfold before us all are sensitively explored and beautifully expressed."
~ Jennifer G., St. George Utah